Courtney Voth, abcdt
Co-Founder, Creative Development & Operations Mgr
Courtney Voth, abcdt
Co-Founder, Creative Development & Operations Mgr
Courtney and her dog Utah started doing dog sports 19 years ago. She has had a passion for training all types of animals and is currently the only person in Manitoba to have the Unionized title of Animal Trainer/Coordinator for motion pictures. Working with very big name actors on notable films and TV series.
She has traveled across North America performing with live canine entertainment shows since 2004, where she has entertained tens of thousands of people at some of the largest venues in the world.
Courtney has a passion for training with a focus on behavior, communication, cognitive thinking, cooperative care, operant conditioning and body language. She competes and trains in almost all aspects of dog sports, however sometimes her work in the film industry prevents her from entering competitions.
Her main goal and focus is to provide enrichment to canines. She truly believes that enrichment is an asset to any behavioral modification program.

- Assisted Melissa Millet with her Cat Acclimation Presentation at the Clicker Expo Live 2021
- Working in the film industry has given Courtney an impressive resume of big feature films. You can find her extensive list on IMdB!
- Experienced with training all types of animals from Dogs, Cats, Horses, Rats, Rabbits, Birds and even wild or exotic animals like Foxes.
- Co-regional director for North American Flyball Association for Region 8.
- ABCDT - Animal Behavioral College Certified Dog Trainer
- WHIMS Certified
- First Aid Level A CPR/AED
- SAFE Committee basics certified
Professional Development
Professional Development
- Click a Chick : Chicken training to develop mechanical skills - Terry Ryan
- Canine Body Language - Brenda Aloff
- Evolution of the cognitive dog - Dr. Brian Hare
- Coping with life - Turid Rugaas
- Conversation with Bob and Jean - Bob Bailey and Jean Donaldson
- Anxiety and Fear: Physiology and Behavior - Emily Levine
- Video Ethogram of Fear and Anxiety - Sue Sternberg
- What's That I Fear? Identifying Triggers & Resolving the Problem - Kathy Sdao
- Alternative Medicine for Fear and Anxiety - Doug Knuevan
- Fear and Loathing & Separation Fun - Ian Dunbar
- Nuts and Bolts of Research - Dr. Brian Hare & Vanessa Woods
- Training a Thinking Dog: The advantages of marker training - Gail Fisher
- Tellington TTouch in the Canine Classroom - Jean Merritt
- It appears to be behavioral problem but could be medical - Ellen Lindell
- Get Smart - Kathy Sdao
- Disc Dog workshops - Angela Ewtushik (attended twice)
- Disc Dog Seminar by Pawsitive Vybe - Abby Cline & Apyrl Lea
- Tricks and Stunt Dog seminar - Emily Garland
- Online Flyball Training - Rocket Relay
- Sask Flyball Seminar - Rocket Relay
- Online Foundations for Canine Conditioning and Stretches - Wendy Alexander
- APDT Online Conference - Over a dozen webinars from the top dog trainers in the world. 2020
- Clicker Expo LIVE 2021 - 3 days of learning with live demonstrations and presentations from the top of the field.
- "What's My Dog Saying" - Carol Byrnes powerpoint presentation seminar.
- Dog Park Etiquette & Safety - Carol Byrnes powerpoint presentation seminar.
some Current and Past Animal Actors...
some Current and Past Animal Actors...